Info: The Print Dialog lets you set Imagewriter LQ print options.
Bounds: x1=7, y1=49, x2=439, y2=82
Type: -120
Info: Quality: Best Quality provides letter-quality printing. For Best Quality you must have fonts in your System file that are three
Bounds: x1=7, y1=81, x2=439, y2=116
Type: -120
Info: times larger than the fonts you use on the screen. See the ImageWriter LQ Owner's Guide for details.
Bounds: x1=7, y1=113, x2=439, y2=149
Type: -120
Info: Faster Quality provides medium-speed printing that is adequate for proofing documents before printing them in Best Quality.
Bounds: x1=7, y1=145, x2=439, y2=180
Type: -120
Info: Draft Quality is fastest, and is usually suitable for spreadsheets and forms.
Bounds: x1=7, y1=187, x2=438, y2=237
Type: -120
Info: Head Scan: Unidirectional printing provides the highest print quality. Bidirectional printing is about 20% faster, but may cause slight horizontal misalignment.
Bounds: x1=7, y1=244, x2=440, y2=276
Type: -120
Info: Options: This button brings up the Sheet Feeder and paper handling options.